Dancing in Harmony with Nature / 現、未、過

Dancing in Harmony with Nature / 現、未、過 by Eva Tsang

Dancing in Harmony with Nature

Eva Tsang (曾斯琪)
Hong Kong
Size: H  174cm x  L 93cm  
Ink, Mining materials, Grouch & Temper on paper


Note from the artist

Dancing in Harmony with Nature — For this work, the painter drew inspiration from the history and knew the importance of trees to humanity. In the course of human history, aesthetic space and practical space are often intertwined, the work uses with personal fine drawing methods. As such, it represents the history of humanity as if it were a dance.

Our ancestors had a long history of building early shelters in trees, with which our history, culture, legends, and art are deeply connected to trees.

Timber is a useful raw material. Our palaeolithic ancestors used it not only for shelter, but also for fuel and making an array of tools. The work depicts and explores seven different tree houses throughout the ages in order to underscore how humanity and trees have evolved together. Wood, in its many forms, has notable aesthetic value, and serves as an important medium for the arts and human expression. Once wood is no longer useful to us, it decomposes and return to Mother Nature.

  • 畫題 :
    • 現、未、過
  • 畫家 :
    • 曾斯琪女士,香港
  • 創作媒介:
    • 水墨、廣告彩、蛋彩設色 紙本
  • 尺寸:
    • 高 174cm x 長93m
  • 創作年份 :
    • 2020
  • 作品介紹:
    • 《 天姿意態舞悠然 》— 創作靈感源於歷史,並知道樹木對人類重要性。作品採用個人碎筆繪畫技法及不同空間的融合,包括實用性及美學。它為着代表我們七個不同的歴史地跳舞。
    • 人類祖先從樹上建「巢居」,我們的歴史、文化以及它所衍生的所有故事和藝術深深紮根於最原始的聯繫之中。
    • 木材是實用的材料。舊石器時代我們的袓先不僅用它來躲避風雨,還用它取暖、煮食、製造工具。通過探索七種古人類結構,畫作探索了人類和木材是如何共同進化的。
    • 木材同時也具有美學價值,因為它是表達藝術或不可缺的媒介。木材被使用過後會回歸大自然。

Unique Japanese handmade art materials used in this work

This website introduces the art works created using materials handmade by traditional Japanese artisans, such as Kobaien, Chiyomi Tanaka, Uda Washi Paper, etc.
Ichi Inc., Japan

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